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Mircea Eliade, O sagrado e o Profano
Les Maîtres du désordre
Nuno Faria, Jorge Molder- Comportamento Animal
Rudolph Arnheim, Entropy and Art. An Essay on Disorder and Order
Tatiana da Costa Martins. ROBERT SMITHSON: “… a terra, sujeita a cataclismos, é uma mestra cruel
Della città ideale alla città reale
Torre de Babel
King Camp Gillette, “World Corporation”
Edmund Burke, On the Sublime
Louis Marin, L’utopie de la carte
Bragança de Miranda- “O retorno do Belo”; “Sobre o Feio”
Lucrécio- simulacros
Jean Baudrillard, Simulacros e simulações
Money as simulacrum
Gerhard Richter and the Simulacrum
Gilles Deleuze, The logic of the sense
Deleuze, Plato and simulacrum
Scott Durham, Phantom communities: the simulacrum and the limits of postmodernism
Freud, the uncanny
Georges L. Hersey, Falling in love with statues
Dario Gamboni, Potential images; ambiguity and indeterminacy in modern art
Michael Camille, Three Simulacrum
The Uncanny: Experiments in Cyborg Culture
Umberto Eco, Travels in hiperreality
Willy Orskov, Terreno Vago e organizações de materiais simples
Douglas Gordon, Vanity of Allegory
John Cheever, the swimmer